General Hospital Admittedly Fans!
Calling all General Hospital fans! Join our LOL conversations about top story lines, pet peeves, trivia, future plots and more!
General Hospital Admittedly Fans!
Episode 9: Off the wagon Fin, and Gio on the Violin! GH Admittedly Fans!
General Hospital Admittedly Fans! Podcast Episode 9!
Twice a month T, Jaim, Ma-Lin and G discuss top storylines, pet peeves+ props, and play GH Trivia!
In this episode we discuss the following top story lines 1) Finn is off the wagon 2) Christina has baby talk w Alexis 3) Trina or Ava smitten with Gio?
Pet peeves and Props! Alexis tough love intervention. Spinelli and Sam in detective mode once again! Drew does not get our vote for his new storyline!
GH Trivia!
1. Dr. Finn has turned down quite a lot of support from the humans in his life. Maybe he should turn back to the animal kingdom. Can you name the type of emotional support animal that Dr. Finn previously relied on and what its name was?
2. Tracy Q has been a GHAF favorite in recent weeks. She also had fans in the form of former love interests. How many kids does Tracey Quartermaine have, can you name them and their fathers?
3. Although we currently know Anna Scorpio is the paternal mother of Robyn Scorpio, there was a time- not too long ago -when that paternity was in doubt. Can you recall the storyline and name the character that gave Robert and Anna doubt about if Robin was their daughter, and if Ana had given birth to Faison’s son?
4. Although there was no Nurses Ball (Yet) this year, over the years there have been a number of real-life entertainment reporters and hosts that have worked on the GH red carpet. Can you name any of the red-carpet correspondents in recent years?
5. What is the name of the home shopping show that lucy and Sasha promote the Deception products on, do you know the Mean Sabotaging host character name, actress name, network name or show name?
General Hospital Admittedly Fans! is a Swing/MG Original that airs twice a month; a manageable dose and welcome escape for GH-ers.
For information about more shows or to be considered for an upcoming episode, swing by our site and drop us a note: https://swingmg.com/general-hospital-admittedly-fans/
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